Immune System Booster Vitamins/ Vitamin D (D3 Serum) and Vitamin K (MK-7) | Gabriel Cousens MD


Here in week 69, we are sharing crusial information from an authority and a great healer, please enjoy and share so other people can also be safe and healthy, much love, health, and joy to you and yours.

I-RAMA team


A Transcript of the video


– Okay, so vitamin D. Vitamin E. Vitamin K. What’s the other one?

– [Voiceover] A.

A, right. These are fat soluble, and they actually work together as a team.

How much is of the team? Literally, they all affect certain gene patterns, the same gene pattern.

They’re all working and affecting it. That’s how much of a team they are. D is getting a lot of press these days.

Vitamin D is a tremendous immune stimulator, and moderator. In the immune systems it’s vitamin D receptors are just all over the immune system.
Some people estimate if we have adequate vitamin D,

70%, it helps protect against 70% of cancer.

Of all types. That’s a pretty good immune statement right there, isn’t it?
70%? I would say that’s pretty good.
It also helps with mental functioning. It helps protect against senility.

It helps with bone. But not as directly, see, without K,

Vitamin E brings in it but it will deposit calcium anywhere.
One of the worst places is they, it deposits calcium in the arteries, right?

K says, “No.” K directs where the calcium for D goes.
It brings it into the bones. In other words, you need K to direct, the best K is MK7, we do carry it,
and it’s really, what?

– [Voiceover] No, and doctors do exactly the opposite when you have like a, when your blood is, they tell you not to take any formulas, not eat any lettuce, and (voice muffled) and you’re saying it’s the opposite

’cause then there’s gonna be more calcium deposits.

– Right. K directs D. The calcium.

– [Voiceover] You mentioned MK7?

That was the name?  MK7, it’s a British spy agency, right?

– [Voiceover] Yeah, exactly.

– MK7 is the specific form of vitamin K that’s the most potent and the most active.

And we do carry it and it is in a capsule. Okay. K2 you get from the more vegetable, you know, just eating vegetables. But it doesn’t, it helps more with clotting, anti-clotting, you know, or it acts as a coagulant.

But we’re talking MK7, which is really about directing the calcium. Vitamin D is important in the regulating the secretion of insulin. Low D has been associated with Type I and Type II Diabetes. So with the diabetes we really make an effort to make sure people get adequate vitamin D. It also has a hormone, calcitonin, and what that does is it kind of regulates a kind of growth, and it also, the balance of calcium and phosphorous in the system. So that’s just again, another thing that happens with it.

D seems to be very important in protecting against neurological disorders. The most famous of that is multiple sclerosis, which is something that tends to happen morenin colder, less sunny climates. Sun is the main way of getting vitamin D, right?

– [Voiceover] But we have a lot of sun in here,

– Yeah, well, there’s reasons for that. But just hold on, you know. I want to get back to, vitamin D is made by the sun. If you get 20 minutes a day of sunlight for three days, you’re gonna start taking in about 20,000 units a day.

Then what is really happening when you ask that question, is maybe people aren’t getting so much sunlight. Maybe we’re too much inside playing with our computers. But here’s where we go to protocol. The best levels are between 50 and 70, in the blood. To really see how you’re doing, you really need to check it a few times.

Now there is a question of how much should you have? 400 milligrams, 10,000 units, and I think it’s variable. Myself, I had been taking 10,000, and I was in low-normal vitamin D. Well, I don’t want to be low-normal. I want to be optimal. So now I’m taking more. Now that’s more than they recommend, now what’s the point?

I’m out in the sun. I get 20 minutes of full body sun all the time, I live in Arizona. So what’s happening is there’s a very big variation, and the only way to do it correctly is get your sunlight, take your certain amount of vitamin D, and get a blood test.

– [Voiceover] Trial and error, trial and error until you find–

– Until you find the right level.It takes about three blood tests to figure it out. The other thing is, people with darker skin absorb less vitamin D.

So if you’re Afro-American you will be getting less vitamin D from the sun as a protective device, but, and that’s so good, so they actually need to supplement more.

And I think you want to look at Israel, you have more dark-skinned people, they’re more likely to have a lower vitamin D because of the genetic part of that. So that’s part of the answer too.

Computers and darker skin.

(laughing in audience)

audience members speaking over each other)

What I was saying is 20 minutes a day should be sufficient. For myself, I get 20 minutes, I’m out in the sun without much clothes, or in clothes, 20 minutes, and I take vitamin D supplement, and my vitamin D was low-normal. So what I’m trying to say, there’s that little bit of trial and error.

So the protocol is, get a standard, take 10,000 and do what you’re doing, and then measure it and see where you stand. Oh, it’s too low, it’s too high, well fine. It’s too high, I take less.

– [Voiceover] If it’s too high what can happen?

– Well, if you’re, you can get a calcification in your tissues. Excess calcification. And you can get a little, I don’t want to say vitamin D toxicity, but 10,000 is a safe place. People basically, somewhere between2,000 and 10,000 is pretty safe, where you should be doing your experimenting.

– [Voiceover] How do you translate that to drops, or–

– Well, in the DC we have it’s 2,200 per drop.

– [Voiceover] Drop or dose?

– Drop.

– [Voiceover] Per drop. Okay, so what would be,

– Well, 10 drops is gonna give you10 or 11,000.

– [Voiceover] So 10 drops a day would–

– I would start at five a day.

– [Voiceover] Five drops a day.

– And that’s gonna give you about 10,000 units.

– One drop is 2,000.

– [Voiceover] One drop is 2,000.

– Five is 10,000.

– [Voiceover] I thought is was a thousand, but…

– [Voiceover] All my life my mother is telling me to keep away from the sun in the hottest hour or whatever, and less than a year ago somebody said that the only way you can absorb the vitamin D is if the sun is perpendicular to the ground, which is a bad hour?

– No, I don’t think it’s like that. If you just get out, obviously the more when the sun’s hot the better, you know, if you live, in US they say between San

Francisco and Baltimore, which is kind of the lower part of the United States in a way, above that line everybody should take a vitamin D supplement.

What’s the point? You’ve gotta be out in the sun, when you’re northern, if you’re up near Lebanon it’s gonna be not as much sun quality as down here.

But still, you know, between 10 and 2 is reasonably good. But the truth is, it’s kinda, you have to do trial and error, really. And the only way you’re gonna get accurate is do a blood spot-test.

You can just take a, we have at the Tree, you just prick your finger and you do the blood spots and then they…

– [Voiceover] Like a litmus paper or something like that?

– No, it’s paper, and you have to send it in. Or they can draw your blood but it’s more expensive to do it that way.

– [Voiceover] The vitamin D, it’s just vitamin D, the drops, or vitamin K?

– [Dr. Cousens] Yeah.

– [Dr. Cousens] No, just D. The D and K don’t really come together.

– [Voiceover] So where do we get MK7?

– We carry it. And you just need one capsule a day.

(audience members mumbling)

And that’s gonna get you depositing the calcium in your bones, not in your tissues or in your heart. That’s not what you want. Yeah.

– [Voiceover] If you could speak more about the dosage because I don’t think people are familiar with the dosage here.

In Israel you have the drop, which is 400 units,

– [Voiceover] 200.

– [Voiceover] 200 to 400. Most people they don’t take it all, or they take maybe two drops which are 800, and there is a law in Israel now, they took off the shelves the one with 1,000. Now there is only 400. It is not allowed to take,

– Yeah.

– [Voiceover] that was on the shelf, the 1000.

– [Voiceover] They’re not allowed on the shelf.

– [Voiceover] Okay, and so they’re very, the people that they take vitamin D, maximum, with doctor order, 2,000 to 2,500.

Maybe and you’re talking about 10,000.

– It’s being totally safe. According to the research. It’s not revolutionary, it’s, the world research says mostly people to take 10,000 it’s gonna be totally safe.

Again, the only way you’re gonna know is what?

– [Voiceover] Blood test.

– Get the blood test. Then you’ll know where you stand. The high-normal is 50 to 70. You need to be 50 to 70 to get optimal effect. That’s it.

Now, is there a philosophical point to this? Yeah, there is.

(audience member mumbles)

Wait a minute, please. Here’s the thing I want you to understand. If you’re getting really adequate D what does that mean?

Means you’re gonna have a great immune system. It means you’re gonna be really healthy. It means you’re not gonna, you know your chance of getting

cancer is greatly cut down. Your chance of getting diabetes is greatly cut down. You’re gonna have less colds and flus. You’re actually gonna be healthy.

– [Voiceover] So they

don’t want that. (laughs)

– I just left it with that.

(loud laughing in audience)

So they’re always trying to find the minimum for what? Hypothetical minimum. And we know, the research is very clear. 50 to 70 is what you need.

And what, that’s it, it’s not that complicated. So whether you need 15,000, or 10,000 or 5,000 or 1,000, that is what you have to figure out. Now, one of the things you look at is, if people used vitamin D, you wouldn’t need, you don’t need vaccinations anyway, but 0 to 4% of vaccinations work. And some of that research was done in Israel, believe it or not. You know, for the flu, it’s 0 to 4% effective. Well, I can tell you, the vitamin D is a whole lot more effective than that, and a whole lot more safe.

So you gotta understand what is really happening in the world today. There is an explicit movement against anything that’s (mumbles)

Why, you know, you take vitamin D. There’s no, you shouldn’t even think about taking vaccinations. Do you see what I’m trying to say? So there is definitely

a struggle going on, and it’s one about those who want health, culture of life, and those who want you to be in ill health so you can have to buy their medicines.

That’s really what’s going on without a lot of management. Now you had a question.

Click the link to purchase any of the Vitamins in the video.



DIY Face Masks and Body Scrub Recipes

Welcome to our blog we are so thankful for all your visits, likes and shares without you we wouldn’t be here. On week 68 we are sharing information on DIY Face Masks and Body Scrubs.

There are many products from various cosmetic companies in the world for you to choose from that are widely available in stores and online. This means you can afford to be picky when it comes to buying products that you’re going to use on your skin. Everyone’s skin is different and requires different care, but one thing is certain: exfoliation is a key component to beautiful glowing skin.

The market is flooded with skin products loaded with unhealthy chemicals, so it can be tricky to find products for the health-conscious consumer. Skincare manufacturers are forced to add artificial flavors, dyes, chemicals, and preservatives to prolong the shelf life of their products. Many of these ingredients may cause irritation, inflammation, and allergic reactions. So, should reading labels and selecting the right skin product require a master’s degree in biology?



Thankfully, the negative effects of additives and preservative chemicals in store-bought scrubs can all be avoided!



In this article, you won’t be making commercial-grade scrubs found in stores or the ones you have tried in the past, such as coffee, oatmeal, sugar, etc. Instead, you will learn about lesser-known scrub recipes with organic ingredients that you already have in your fridge. Each ingredient has four recipes you can try that will do absolute wonders for your skin.

These proven recipes are effective for any skin type, and the components were given to us by nature itself! You don’t have to head to the beauty superstore or go online to get your hands on these scrubs; you can make them yourself at home.


Always perform a patch test before you use any skincare, including the ones you make at home. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the fruits, vegetables, or herbs that are used in these recipes before you apply or rub them on your skin.




Strawberries contain salicylic acid, which is a beta hydroxy acid useful for problematic skin. This makes it a wonderful ingredient for people who are battling with acne and blemishes. The powerful antioxidants in strawberries help skin stay healthy and radiant, especially improving the texture and appearance of aging skin by promoting the production of new cells. Not only are these strawberry recipes great for exfoliating skin, but they also have a pleasant aromatic property that will make your skin routine more enjoyable. This scrub is worthy of you!



Strawberries and skin



A high amount of vitamin C found in strawberries also helps to lighten the skin. One serving of strawberries has over 50% of your daily value of vitamin C that is a really good amount. When used topically, this amount of vitamin C is said to help reduce the appearance of dark spots while also helping to make dull skin look more refreshing and radiant.
I’ve dabbled in DIY beauty treatments myself all the time I love the idea that I can make a fresh product and apply it to my skin‚ the sweet beautiful be
“Strawberries, or fragriaria chiloensis extract, it is wonderful at hydrating the skin due to the high amount of carbohydrates it contains and skin protectant due to the antioxidants,” says Dr. James Heskett, holistic MD, author of The Well Path and consultant for HydroPeptide. “It contains alpha-lipoic acid which is a potent antioxidant, which slows the aging of collagen elastin. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant as well as being a key player in collagen synthesis.”
In fact, strawberries give vitamin C superstar oranges a run for their money they have more of it. “It’s different than orange vitamin C, which is more acidic, and therefore more exfoliating and less hydrating,” says Dr. Heskett.
Varika P. even worked with skin-care brand Volition to capture her fave DIY beauty ingredient in the ease of serum for your skin’s benefit. You can take the strawberry slices, apply to your face, and it would leave a thin, red, serum-like film it makes the skin glow. Every time, I always noticed an improvement immediately after—my face would glow and look so much brighter.”Strawberries are acidic in nature and this is effective to remove the excess sebum on the skin.


1. Strawberries and Fresh Cream Mask:

Take strawberry puree, mix with fresh cream (dry skin) or yogurt (oily skin) and add a tablespoon of honey. Apply all over the face, and leave it on for 10 minutes and wash with warm water. You can deep freeze and store this mask like how I regularly do. This Mask helps reduce Acne.


2. Strawberries & Lime Face Pack:

It helps in de-tanning your skin and lightens pigmentation marks on your skin. Mix strawberries and a tablespoon of lime juice. Apply all over the face for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.


3. Strawberry & Chocolate Mask:

Mash strawberries along with a tablespoon cocoa powder and honey. Apply on face for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.  It helps to make your skin glow and also makes it soft.

4. Honey and Strawberry Face Mask:

Mash a few strawberries with a fork until it turns into a smooth paste. Add a tablespoon of honey and apply this mask for 15 minutes and wash with warm water. Honey is an antioxidant that helps to fight skin impurities and acne.


5. Blemish prone skin Strawberry Mask:

Mash quarter cup of ripe banana and strawberries, add to it, a quarter cup of sour cream or yogurt and a tablespoon of honey. Apply all over face; let it on for 1


6. Rice flour and Strawberry Face Pack:

Blend a few strawberries with a tablespoon of rice flour. Apply on face for 15 minutes before washing it away.


7. Strawberry Scrub:

Slice up a berry and rub it all over your face, its alpha hydroxyl acids have the excellent exfoliating ability. Let it sit on your face for a minute and wash off.



Recipe: 1

Strawberries. 6 pcs

Sweet almond oil. 3 tablespoon

Brown sugar* 3 tablespoons

Using a blender or food processor, blend the ingredients until the consistency is creamy and contains no big chunks of strawberry. Apply to wet skin in a circular massaging motion making sure to apply to areas that feel rough and dry. Rinse with warm water. This scrub is great for smoothing your complexion and adding a radiant glow to your skin.


Recipe: 2

Strawberries 10 pcs

Lemon 1 pc (juice)

Honey 2 tablespoons

Yogurt 4 tablespoons

Use a blender or food processor to whip all these ingredients together into a foamy cream texture. Massage onto wet skin, focusing on problem areas and rinse with warm water. Pat skin to dry. This scrub is helpful for lightening discolored areas of skin, exfoliating dead cells, and has important antibacterial properties for blemishes or acne.


Recipe: 3


Strawberries 7 pcs

Fried oatmeal 2 tablespoon

Honey 2 tablespoons

Yogurt 2 tablespoons

Blend of food process these ingredients together into a mousse and lightly massage onto your wet skin, rinsing with warm water after application. This scrub is very calming and healing for the skin, helping rejuvenate irritated skin from acne or other conditions.


Recipe: 4


Strawberries 3 pcs

Heavy cream 1 tablespoon

Honey 2 tablespoons

Mix all ingredients and blend until smooth. Apply to wet skin, lighting massaging the scrub into your skin and then rinse off with warm water. The cream in this scrub nourishes and gives your skin softness and shine. The honey provides a natural antiseptic, helping cleanse the skin of microbes and dirt.





Bananas are an excellent natural ingredient you can use to maintain the freshness and softness of your skin on your face and body.

The properties in bananas are an alternative to harmful chemicals found in many skincare products on the market. Banana scrubs are useful for people with normal to dry skin, as well as for sensitive skin. Bananas contain a considerable amount of vitamin E, ascorbic acid, and antioxidants, which all provide rejuvenating effects, and help stop the inflammatory processes in the body. They can also help restore the cellular exchange, which can make small wrinkles appear less noticeable. Bananas can also help contribute to the regeneration of new cells, and restore the skin after exposure to sunlight.



Recipe: 1


Pureed Banana 2 teaspoons

Fried oatmeal 2 tablespoon

Honey 1 tablespoons

Milk 1 tablespoons

Blend everything in a blender or food processor until smooth. Massage lightly onto wet skin, and then rinse with warm water.


Recipe: 2


Pureed Banana 1 pcs

Plain yogurt 3 tablespoons

Honey 2 tablespoons


Recipe: 3


Pureed Banana 1 pcs

Cream 2 tablespoon

Honey 2 tablespoons


Recipe: 4


Pureed Banana 1 pcs

Lemon 1 pc (juice)

Honey 2 tablespoons

Plain yogurt 1 tablespoons



Banana scrubs are not recommended for storage in the refrigerator. They are best if used fresh, right after all ingredients are blended together.





Cucumbers are a wonder in the beauty world, and they are often found in cosmetics, especially skincare. They can smooth fine lines and wrinkles while supplying the skin with B vitamins.

Cucumbers can also help stimulate the production of collagen, while also helping tone the skin and moisturizes it. Cucumber juice is not only refreshing, but it can also brighten skin, helping reduce the visibility of acne, freckles, and pigmented spots. Historically, it’s been said that Cleopatra used to take long relaxing cucumber baths; clearly, she was on to something! The pH balance of a cucumber is similar to that of human skin; making it a gentle and natural ingredient you can use safely. With these recipes, you can use cucumbers for many years to come to keep your skin looking youthful, fresh and maintain the elasticity of your skin!


Recipe: 1


Cucumber 1 pc (chopped)

Fresh basil 5 leaves

Brown sugar* 5 tablespoons

Coconut oil 5 tablespoons (liquid)


Pulse ingredients in blender or food processor for 1 minute until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Light massage it on your wet skin, and rinse with warm water. This scrub exfoliates and moisturizes the skin, which can be done 2 times a week to maintain smoothness and elasticity. Enjoy the light and refreshing aroma of cucumbers as you scrub impurities away.


Recipe: 2


Cucumber 1 pc (chopped)

Fresh mint 6 leaves

Brown sugar* 6 tablespoons

Honey 1 tablespoons


Mix ingredients thoroughly, let it stand for 15 minutes, massage on the wet skin, then rinse with warm water. This scrub with mint reduces skin irritation, removes oil, and refreshes the skin.



Recipe: 3


Cucumber 1 pc (chopped)

Brown sugar* 5 tablespoon

Mix all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and apply it to a wet face, carefully going around the eyes. This mask can improve the appearance of wrinkles. Keep the scrub on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.



Use these scrubs after taking a shower using the warm water to open your pores, essential for enabling your skin to absorb ingredients. Using fruits and vegetables that are full of water on your skin can help improve the function of the epidermal layer and maintain the optimal moisture balance of your skin.


A healthy moisturized epidermis responds better to inflammation and helps to prevent and reduces the occurrence of blemishes. The application of these scrubs should be performed with a gentle massaging motion on the skin, helping to increase circulation while also toning rough areas. As the scrubs are washed away, so are impurities. Exfoliating regularly with these natural, homemade scrubs can help prevent your pores from becoming clogged with dead skin and oil. Moisturizing is responsible for 60% of your skin’s appearance making these organic body scrubs great for anti-aging efforts. Well-moisturized skin retains softness and elasticity, and exfoliating your skin is the first step for optimal moisture retention. These wholly and all-organic scrubs are going to change your skincare routine for the better with every use!





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