Bee Venom For Beauty And Wellness Part 1


Hello and welcome again to our weekly post on week 24, we are sharing the incredible power of one of my favorite little beings, that is the miraculous Bee. I grew up loving bees and early on in my life I learned their value in our ecosystem and for our health and beauty. I use honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, beeswax and bee propolis on a daily basis.

We would love for you to share this post with your family and friends these little beings are threatened by so many pesticides, EMF current, so and much more without them we would not have agriculture. They are responsible for extensive work in our ecosystem our food etc. We love what we do, and we spend hours of research to provide you with authority information, please pass it on is so crucial that people know their value, thank you ahead of time for your consideration and support, from all of us at I-RAMA.

When I lived In England, I had introduced to Bee venom a long, long time ago, and I must say that it works amazingly, it plumps the skin and it feeds it with the large selection of vitamins and amino acids, etc. Bee venom is full of vitamins and amino acids, to mention a few qualities of their product and I choose it before Botox. The results for me are remarkable and full of natural benefits aside from the tremendous gifts of Bee products. Here we are sharing the Bees their qualities in food, beauty, and in our environment, please pass it on. We intend to educate people so the bees can stand a chance, most people don’t like them and kill them. I take that as ignorance, no many people know how valuable they are, who would harm a bee, as they do that they are harming the environment and their food source, and the future of the planet.

Ignorance is the primary cause of the destruction not only personal but worldwide; we intend to educate and make a difference one person at a time.








These Pollinators strongly influence ecological relationships all through our ecosystems, conservation and stability, the genetic variation in all plant community, floral diversity, our foodevolour food source and so much more. Bees play a very important, but a little-recognized role in our ecosystems where there is green vegetation cover for at least 3 to 4 months each year. In tropical forests, savannah woodlands, mangrove, and in ephemeral forests, many species of plants and animals would most likely not survive if bees are missing. This is because the production of seeds, nuts, berries, and fruits are strongly dependent on insect pollination, and among the pollinating insects, bees are the primary pollinators.

In rainforests, especially in high mountain forests where it is too cold for most bees, other pollinators like bats and birds play a more significant role in plant pollination. In the farmed areas, bees are the most reliable source for the pollination of many cultivated crops, and for maintaining biodiversity in ‘islands’ of non-cultivated regions also. The primary role of bees in the different ecosystems is their pollination work. Studies have shown that other animal species are interconnected with bees: either because they eat the brood or honey, pollen or wax, because they are parasitic to the bees, or just because they live within the bees nest.




When we look at the many different color and looks of flowers, we should not overlook the fact that they have developed these colors as an adaptation for the bees and other pollinators, and not to please humans,( is not all about us especially the unconscious over consumers) is more for species survival. Bees and most flowering plants have developed a complex interdependence during millions of years. An estimated 80 percent of flowering plants are entomophilous depending more or less on insect pollination to be able to reproduce, wow an astonishing percentage, and it is estimated that half of the pollinators of tropical plants are bees responsible for the work.

The perfect efficiency of honeybees is due to their high amount in numbers, their physique and their behavior of foraging on only one plant species at a time, exciting right?. The bees find their food in flowers. The food ether nectar or pollen. Nectar is produced to attract the bees. Pollen is also attracting the bees, but it has another function too: it is produced to ensure the next generation of plants and that is why they designed need to function these ways. Bee-pollinated flowers have evolved in such a way that a visiting bee has to brush against the flower’s anthers bearing pollen, and is a unique mechanism to release the anthers to spring up or down to cover the bee with pollen. When compared with other insects, bees are very hairy. Each hair has a branched structure that makes it highly effective at collecting catching pollen.

When flying to the next flower, the honeybee will brush herself and move many of the pollen grains, to arrange them in the pollen baskets made of stiff hairs on her hind legs. Many of the pollen grains are so dry that they cannot be formed into a clump. So to prevent the pollen falling off during flight, the bee will regurgitate some nectar and mix it with the pollen that way sticks together, and this gives the sweet taste when eating pollen balls collected by bees. It also makes the pollen a little darker so that it can be difficult to see from which plants it comes from. Some bees do not have pollen baskets, so they transport the pollen in the many hairs on their abdomen (Osmia bees and leafcutter bees are an example). When the honeybee carrying pollen is landing in the next flower, there will be pollen enough left on the bees’ body hairs to pollinate the new flower, by delivering some grains to the flower’s stigma. Now pollination has taken place, and the flower is happy to reproduce the miracle of nature. To create a seed, the pollen grain has to grow a small tube inside the stigma to the ovary of the flower. Then a male gamete can travel through the tube, fertilize the egg cell and start the development of the fertile seed. Now the fertilization has taken place.

Not too many plants need several successful visits from bees to ensure that all the flower’s eggs are fertilized. For example, some varieties of strawberry plants need about 20 pollen grains, requiring visits by several bees, an apple flower may need five or more bee visits to receive enough pollen grains to complete fertilization. If the pollination is inadequate because of lack of bees, not all seeds will develop, and the shape of the fruit will be poor and small and definitely not sufficiently nutritious. Fertilization is the beginning of a new seed, which perhaps will grow and develop into a new plant. The new plant will bloom, provide the bees with food, be pollinated, and be fertilized, and in this way, life continues for plants and bees, the wonderful miracle of nature.






Let’s start with Agriculture and how it depends significantly on the honeybee for pollination. Honeybees account for 80% of all insect pollination that is a substantial percentage don’t you think?. Without such pollination, we would see a significant decrease in the yield of fruits and vegetables and our environment; now the industry produces human-made foods!!!!! and BEES!!!!!! ahhhhh very scary.



Bees collect approximately 66 pounds of pollen per year, and that is per hive!!. Pollen is the male germ cells produced by all flowering plants for fertilization and plant embryo formation so imagine how much life is in that. Honeybees use pollen as food. Pollen is one of the richest and most pure of the natural foods, consisting of up to 35% protein, 10% sugars, carbohydrates, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins A (carotenes), B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinic acid), B5 (pantothenic acid), C (ascorbic acid), H (biotin), and R (routine) full range of amino acids, just bee pollen by itself is a complete supplemental food.



Bees use Honey for food all year round. Is a large selection of honey, colors, and flavors, depending upon its nectar source. The bees make honey from the nectar they collect from flowers in trees and plants. Honey is a very easily digestible, pure food since is predigested by the bees and very quickly absorbed by our bodies without creating havoc in our pancreas like sugar does. Honey is hydroscopic and has antibacterial qualities. Honey can fend off allergies to certain people due to the process that the bee uses to transform the pollen, in essence, is like getting a nature made homeopathic in your system. I always get local honey whatever I visit, or bee pollen and I start with a minute amount, and then I increase the dosage, so I keep my self-allergy free, and it works great.


Beeswax is a product secreted from the bees glands; beeswax is used by the honeybee to build honeycomb in their beehive. Humans use it in drugs, cosmetics, artists’ materials, furniture polish and candles, soaps hair products and much much more.


Honeybees collect propolis from trees; the sticky resin is mixed with wax to make a sticky glue-like substance. The bees use this to seal cracks and repair their hive and at the same time to protect it from bacteria it has an antibiotic quality. Humans use it as a health aid, and as the basis for fine wood varnishes. I personally always keep some around, and I use it in any wound, for my dogs, and if I feel a sore throat I place a place a piece in my mouth, and I chew it like chewing gum until is all gone and I promise you it works wonders.“While Propolis it’s drawing water out of the wound, which is how it might get infected, it’s letting off this very minute amount of hydrogen peroxide. The amount of hydrogen peroxide that comes off honey is exactly what we need–it’s so small and so minute that it promotes healing. Derma Sciences, a medical device company, has been marketing and selling MEDIHONEY, bandages covered in honey used in hospitals around the world, fantastic tip!.

Royal Jelly

This potent, milky substance turns an ordinary bee into a Queen Bee; this is her food. It is made of digested pollen and honey or nectar mixed with a chemical secreted from a gland in a nursing bee’s head what a powerful mixture I use it all the time. It commands premium prices rivaling imported caviar and is used by some as a dietary supplement and fertility stimulant I use it for beauty and health. It has substantial amounts of all of the B vitamins, for the most part, beekeepers that are conscious about the life and wellbeing of bees don’t like to collect Royal Jelly because is the food for the queen and without her is no beehive. Also if they feed it to a working bee, they have another Queen, and that means another hive.

For centuries Royal jelly has been used for beauty applying stray on or in skin care, and the results are just outstanding.



Bee Venom

The “ouch” part of the honeybee if you happened to get it through a sting. Although sharp pain and some swelling and itching are natural reactions to a honeybee sting or most, a small percentage of individuals are highly allergic to bee venom. “Bee venom therapy” is widely practiced overseas and by some in the USA to address health problems such as arthritis, neuralgia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even MS., and now is new evidence other benefits.

Queen Bee

There is only one queen bee per hive. The queen is the only bee in the hive with fully developed ovaries. A queen bee can live for 3-5 years. The queen mates only once with several male (drone) bees, and will remain fertile for life. She usually lays up to 2000 eggs per day wow amazing don’t you think?. Fertilized eggs become female (worker bees) and unfertilized eggs become male (drone bees). When she dies or becomes unproductive, the other bees will “make” a new queen by selecting a young larva and feeding it a diet of “royal jelly.” For queen bees, it takes 16 days from egg to complete emerging.

The queens are developed from larvae selected by worker bees and specially fed with Royal Jelly to become sexually mature. There usually is only one adult, when a queen mates in a hive, in which case the bees will often follow and fiercely protect her. However, as in the Brazilian stingless bee Schwarziana quadripunctata is an exception, a single hive may have multiple queens or even dwarf queens, ready to replace a dominant queen in a case of sudden death.

Worker Bee

All worker bees are female; these bees are not able to reproduce. Worker bees live for 4-9 months during the winter season, but only six weeks during the busy summer months pretty short life, they work themselves to death, Hmmm, sounds like humans especially here in the US, work work work. Nearly all of the bees in a hive are worker bees. A colony consists of 20,000 – 30,000 bees in the winter, and over 60,000 – 80,000 bees in the summer. The worker bees sequentially take on a series of specific chores during their lifetime: housekeeper; nursemaid; construction worker; grocer; undertaker; guard; and finally, after 21 days they become a forager collecting pollen and nectar, an incredibly organized system. For worker bees, it takes 21 days from egg to emergence. The worker bee has a barbed stinger that results in her death following stinging. Therefore, she can only sting once. AMAZING GIRLS!!!



Drone Bee


These male bees are kept on standby during the summer for mating with a virgin queen. Because the drone has a barbed sex organ, the coupling is followed by the death of the drone, and there you have it no cheating males on this one. There is only 300-3000 drone in a hive. The drone does not have a stinger. Because they are of no use in the winter, drones are expelled from the colony in the autumn.

A bit of trivia:

• Honeybees are not native to the USA. They are European in origin and were brought to North America by the many early settlers.

Bees are not aggressive by nature, and will not sting unless protecting their hive from an intruder or are maliciously provoked.

• Honeybees represent a very highly organized society, with various bees having precise roles during their lifetime:  nurses, guards, grocers, housekeepers, construction workers, royal attendants, undertakers, foragers, pollinators, etc.

• The queen bee can live for the most part several years an less human intervention destroys them! Like always humans and destruction. Worker bees live for six weeks during the busy summer, and for a 4-9 month during the winter months.

• The practice of honey collection and beekeeping dates back to the stone-age, as evidenced by cave paintings.

• The honeybee hive is perennial. Although quite inactive during the winter, the honeybee survives the winter months by clustering for warmth. By self-regulating the internal temperature of the cluster, the bees maintain 93 degrees Fahrenheit in the center of the winter cluster (regardless of the outside temperature) pretty remarkable.

• An estimated 3.2 million colonies are in the U.S hopefully still.

• The average honeybee can fly at a speed of 15 miles per hour.

• A hive of bees must fly 55,000 miles to produce a pound of honey; there is a fact to appreciate.

• It would take approximately one ounce of honey to fuel a bee’s flight around the earth.

• An average worker bee makes about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime; I genuinely have gratitude for their work.

Bees to make honey, bees drop the collected nectar into the honeycomb and then evaporate it by fanning their wings.

• Honeybees dance to communicate the direction and distance of nectar sources.

• The fructose in honey makes it sweeter than sugar. At 21 calories a teaspoon it is one and a half times sweeter than sugar, not to mention. Hence, honey vs. sugar, honey has a healthier Glycemic Index (GI) which measures the negative impact of a given food on the blood-glucose level. The lower the GI rating, the slower the absorption and infusion of sugars into the bloodstream and hence a more gradual and healthier digestion process.not to mention the nutrients in honey that sugar doesn’t own.




RENOVE VEE TOX Anti Aging Cream and wrinkle treatment


AN ANTI-AGING CREAM THAT WORKS – Renove Vee Tox Bee Venom Mask brings to you two of the best anti-aging ingredients, Bee Venom (purified) & Manuka Honey (Active 15+), that are entirely organic & gentle – Say goodbye to cosmetic injections/fillersRenove VEE TOX Advanced Hydration Cream


Hydration is the key to any effective anti-aging regimen.
VEETOX Advanced Hydration Cream is the ultimate anti-aging cream, made to reveal the beauty within, at any age. Every ingredient is all-natural without any hidden parabens.
No artificial fragrances or synthetic preservatives that can be harmful or irritating.
Key Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid, Manuka Honey, Bee Venom, Swiss Apple Stem Cell Extract, Beech Tree Bud Extract, Crembe Oil, & Vigna Aconitifolia Seed ExtractRENOVE VEE TOX Bee Venom Mask Anti-Aging Cream w/Manuka Honey (15+) 

AN ANTI-AGING CREAM THAT WORKS – Renove Vee Tox Bee Venom Mask brings to you two unusual anti-aging ingredients, Bee Venom (purified) & Manuka Honey (Active 15+), that are organic & gentle AND effective.
FOR YOUTHFUL SKIN – Pure Bee Venom in this face mask stimulates the production of elastin & collagen that work together to tighten your skin, help ease wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of aging.



beeco, Pure New Zealand Bee Venom Mask


Rare New Zealand Bee Venom extract works to naturally lift and firm the skin, eliminating the need for cosmetic injections or fillers.
The Abeeco Bee Venom Mask formulation combines a proprietary blend of magical New Zealand Bee Venom, soothing Manuka Honey as well as natural essential oils and nutrients to promote plump and youthful skin.



Medicine Mama’s Apothecary Sweet Bee Magic All In One Healing Skin Cream


HEALS DRY SKIN with immediate and lasting moisture
SOOTHES & RELIEVES red, itchy, or sunburnt skin
CELLULAR NUTRITION Delivers optimal cellular nutrition and support
REPAIRS minor cuts, scrapes and burns and Improves texture and tone of skin
MAGIC Sweet Bee Magic™ is gentle and safe to use on even the most sensitive or acne prone skin. Our carefully chosen organic oils and beeswax do not clog pores. Perfect for daily use by all ages, skin types and genders.







VitaJuwel, the only Water system of it’s kind in the world



65% of the human body is water. Nothing impacts our wellbeing more than the quality of the water we drink. Water is the elixir of life! Why is drinking sufficient healthy and vital water so important?
Because water …
… assists in weight loss.
… strengthens your immune system.
… can slow down the aging process.
… impacts all of your body‘s functions.
… noticeably increases your quality of life!


On week 22 we would like to take you on a journey of the scientific facts and gifts of an essential and vital fluid  WATER, combined with Crystals creates a powerful result so we will start and take you on a magical journey with facts and information that will change the course of your life  that I have experienced my self-first hand.  Let us start with why Water and the discovery that Dr. Emoto has proven in the Lab to be a tangible reality.


Let’s introduce Dr. Emoto:

VitaJuwel & Dr. Masaru Emoto

Water is the essence of life! There’s no other substance on earth that has a greater influence on our wellbeing than water. If you begin to engage yourself with the mysteries of water, you’ll very soon come across one name: Dr. Masaru Emoto! No present-day scientist has studied the true nature of water more intensely than the recently passed away and greatly missed Japanese researcher and author of the New York Times bestseller “The Hidden Messages in Water”. With his winning character and his deep knowledge, Dr. Emoto moved millions of people all over the world to cherish our most precious resource in a more sensible way.

Masaru Emoto (江本 勝 Emoto Masaru, July 22, 1943 – October 17, 2014)was a Japanese author, researcher, and entrepreneur, who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Since 1999, Emoto published several volumes of a work entitled Messages from Water, which contain photographs of ice crystals and their accompanying experiments.

Emoto was born in Yokohama, Japan, and graduated from Yokohama Municipal University after taking courses in International Relations. In the mid-1990s, he began studying water in more detail.

Emoto was President Emeritus of the International Water For Life Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Oklahoma City in the United States. Emoto became a Doctor of Alternative Medicine at the Open International University for Alternative Medicine in India in 1992. Subsequently, he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. At length, he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form, that water showed us its true nature.

He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery, that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

He is the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, The True Power of Water and Love Thyself. He has now also authored two children’s books, The Secret of Water for the children of the world, and The Message from Water children’s version.  He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water. He is currently the head of I.H.M.General Research Institute and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Organization.

We all learn valuable life lessons at our own pace, but there is one basic truth we all learn early.  Positive, compassionate words comfort and heal; negative words and insults hurt. Until recently, we knew this only because we could feel it.  Now we can actually see it.  Thanks to the experimental work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, we can look to water, and its frozen crystals, to confirm the healing power of beautiful music, positive thinking, uplifting speech, and prayer.

By exposing water to a particular word or piece of music, freezing it, and photographing the ice crystals formed, Dr. Emoto has shown that from beautiful words and music, come beautiful crystals, and from mean-spirited, negative words, come malformed and misshapen crystals. What is the significance?  It becomes clear when we remember that the adult human body is approximately 70% water and infant bodies are about 90% water.  We can be hurt emotionally and, as the water can be changed, for the worse physically by negativity. However, we are always closer to beauty when surrounded by positive thoughts, words, intentions and ultimately those vibrations.

Dr. Emoto’s theories can be explored further by reading his books mentioned above. These books have been translated into more than thirty-five languages.Dr. Masaru Emoto’s stunning water-crystal photographs have enchanted millions of people in his many books.

In 2003 the United Nations proclaimed the years 2005-2015 as its International Water for Life Decade, which urges citizens of the world to take individual responsibility to learn all about water. In a time wrought with environmental catastrophes and natural disasters, The Secret of Water and his not-for-profit book, The Message from Water children’s version, show the necessity of protecting water and offer messages of hope and empowerment.  Help us shift consciousness through our thoughts, through our words, and prayers, and through our commitment to respect each other with love and gratitude.  May our understanding of water and help bring peace to all humankind.

Here we wish to share some of the pictures of his research.


Water affected by Words

Water Affected by Music


He laid the foundation of numerous insights of modern water research. Dr. Emoto’s research revealed that water not only has a memory but it could be improved by external influences such as gems in VitaJuwel. He fundamentally changed the way we think about the water we drink and roused our passion to improve the quality of drinking water.

Crystal images by the Hado Life laboratory, which was co-founded by Dr. Emoto, showed that water treated with VitaJuwel gem vials regains its original, natural energy and thus is comparable to fresh spring water. Dr. Emoto was deeply moved by these breathtaking results and the practical implementation of his insights on the ability of water to carry positive information. Dr. Emoto’s vision was to focus people’s interest worldwide in enjoying and treasuring fresh and vital water. In 2012, HadoLife and VitaJuwel sealed a lasting partnership to join forces and work towards that goal. They created in close cooperation a set of 3 exclusive gem vials.

„Water shows its true nature only to people whose spirit is as open as a child’s.”

Dr. Masaru Emoto (July 22, 1943 – October 17, 2014)

A part of the proceeds from the sale of these vials will be donated to Dr. Emoto’s foundation “Emoto Peace Project”. Enjoy gemwater totally new with EmotoCrystals


Water is not just H2O! World-famous scientist and bestselling- author Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that vivid water features a sublime crystal silhouette. The photo to the left, taken by the HadoLife lab, which was co-founded by Dr. Emoto, shows a crystal of regular tap water.

After 7 minutes with a VitaJuwel gemstone vial, the crystal changed its shape completely (right photo), becoming harmonic and vital. VitaJuwel – gemwater has a crystal structure that is comparable to pure spring water!



Using gems to vitalize water is an age-old tradition, dating back to ancient Greece. Gems naturally emit a radiation that is able to inspirit water, making it more lively and enjoyable. Eight years ago, VitaJuwel reinvented this method. Hygienically. Naturally. Today VitaJuwel is the world’s only manufacturer of gemstone vials to enhance the vitality of drinking water in a natural way to the level of pure spring water. VitaJuwel products are designed with devotion in the German alpine foothills, tested by friends all over the world and traditionally hand-crafted by master glassblowers in Bohemia in a patented, artisanal method.

The gems don‘t have to come in contact with the water. VitaJuwel vials act like a natural prism for the crystals‘ radiant energy. This can even be tasted by sensual water lovers! Like in the natural cycle of water, with VitaJuwel gem vials the natural element stone regenerates the natural element water.

Now we are going to touch the surface on the History and properties of Crystals, I grew up loving Stones and was lucky to be introduced at a very young age to the amazing world of Crystals and YES I not only believe in their properties I have worked with them for most of my life and feel their properties every time I connect with them, so with that being said when I discover VitaJwel system and on top connected to Dr. Emoto’s believe I became a true fan of it. I highly recommend the beautiful products that offer the connection to the world of Water empower with Crystals. WOW! what a treat, we don’t have a part in the company or financial gain, our passion for what we believe surpasses that love for the products, we use them and wish to share them with you, family and friends so we can all benefit from this amazing system with so much integrity and so well intended. Here we go, we are not going to be too extensive in the description due that this post will become enormous and most peoples attention span is not so long, anyway we will place links so if you choose to learn more you can take your own journey.


According to

The first historical references to the use of crystals come from ancient the Ancient Sumerians, who included crystals in magic formulas. The Ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald and clear quartz in their jewelry, healing rituals, and invocations. They also carved grave amulets of the same gems and place them in the Tombs with their dead. The Ancient Egyptians used stones primarily for protection and health. Chrysolite (later translated as both topaz and peridot) was used to combat night terrors and purge evil spirits. Egyptians also used crystals cosmetically. Galena (lead ore) was ground to a powder and used as the eyeshadow known as kohl. Malachite was used in a similar manner. Green stones, in general, were used to signify the heart of the deceased and were included in burials. Green stones were used in a similar way at a later period in Ancient Mexico.

The Ancient Greeks believe that a number of properties to crystals and many names we use today are of Greek origin. The word ‘crystal’ comes from the Greek word for ice, as it was believed that clear quartz was water that had frozen so deeply that it would always remain solid. The word amethyst means ‘not drunken’ and was worn as an amulet to prevent both drunkenness and hangovers. Hematite comes from the word for blood, because of the red coloration produced when it oxidizes. Hematite is an iron ore and the ancient Greeks associated iron with Aries, the god of war. Greek soldiers would rub hematite over their bodies before the battle, purportedly to make themselves invulnerable. Greek sailors also wore a variety of amulets to keep them safe at sea. For example, hematite as an iron compound was rightly associated with the planet Mars, whereas malachite as copper ore to the planet Venus. Today we know that, for instance, Mars is the planet with highest iron content in the Solar system, so we need certainly more than superstition to correctly understand these lores and myths of the ancient peoples.


Here are some links to Cristal books and web references:



The world of Crystals is so vast that we are going to do more in a Post of its own, we wanted to connect them with the water and provide you with information to aid the understanding of why the products are put together like this.

VitaJuwel ViA

VitaJuwel ViA is not just a simple glass bottle with gemstones. It has two openings with an exchangeable gem pod attached to the lower opening. Twist off one gem pod and attach a different one to experience the full scope of VitaJuwel gemwater. By the way: The two openings also make cleaning VitaJuwel ViA as easy as 1-2-3.

Enjoy gem water wherever and whenever you like with VitaJuwel ViA, your personal gem water bottle! Prepare your own spring fresh gemwater for on-the-go. On your way to work, while shopping in the city or at the beach – VitaJuwel ViA is your perfect companion for extraordinary trips. VitaJuwel ViA and the gem pods are available in 17 fascinating blends.


With every sip of water you drink, YOU decide whether it is dull and dead or VITAL AND FRESH!



German scientists have proven that water becomes more alkaline and the oxygen content increases with VitaJuwel gem vials. The tests showed: With VitaJuwel, drinking water reaches a quality level otherwise only found in natural spring water.“



VitaJuwel is the most hygienic and efficient method to prepare gemwater. And it‘s easy! Just place a VitaJuwel gem vial in your drinking water for 7-10 minutes and enjoy gemwater, the true elixir of life!


  • fairly-traded, conflict-free gems
  • lead-free Bohemian glass
  • handcrafted in the European Union
  • designed by glass artists in the German Alps
  • results verified by lab analysis
  • tested by doctors & naturopaths
  • a worldwide patented manufacturing method
  • several fascinating gem blends

Let’s talk a bit about the power of Crystals weather you are wanting an energy boost, need an assist in grounding, looking for a manifesting tool, or something else that you are seeking whatever your purpose there is a healing stone for you.  No gemstone has a singular purpose, multiple healing qualities are housed within a single stone. First, you must find the crystal that has the Universal Life Force energy that is appropriate to your intentions. Each crystal has a crystal energy lattice, a color ray of influence, and an earth power derived from its chemical makeup.

Gemstones and crystals have traditionally been used in a variety of ways to restore balance and harmony to both the physical and spiritual elements of our lives.

Click on the links or the pictures to purchase any VIA bottles.



rose quartz – amethyst – clear quartz

This basic, well-balanced composition was used to inspirit water for hundreds of years. Experts claim that amethyst stimulates and soothes the mind and that rose quartz fosters tranquility. Having this vial in a VitaJuwel decanter on your dining table will let you experience water totally anew. Customers find gem water with this harmonic blend to taste smooth and mild. If you’re unsure, with which blend to start your VitaJuwel collection, choose this one!




Sodalite – clear quartz

“You’re not sick, you’re thirsty” states F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. in his books. Water is your body’s principal component. It flushes toxins out of vital organs and carries nutrients to your cells. Even mild dehydration can drain energy and make you tired. Experts recommend 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Do you drink enough? Many people have lost their natural feelings of thirst. Regain this feeling! Your body may thank you with unexpected positive effects.




Aquamarine – clear quartz

Gemwater is the true elixir of life! Your body needs well-functioning cleansing processes for stable health. No other beverage than water – pure, vital, and free of harmful substances – is better to support these extensive tasks within our body. Aquamarine means “water of the sea” and this gently blue stone is said to be calming, soothing, and cleansing, just like a refreshing swim in the ocean! Not to forget its great side effect: Inner purity is also visible on the outside.



Red jasper – sodalite – orange calcite brown agate – aventurine quartz

The percentage of water in our children‘s body is more than 70 %. Especially during phases of growth, drinking a sufficient amount of healthy water is imperative. A kid‘s sensation of thirst is not fully developed. It has to be regularly reminded to drink. Drinking enough fresh water enhances concentration and the ability to learn. VitaJuwel Kids with its colorful and bright tones will turn „magic water“ water into the new favorite beverage of your children.


Emoto Crystals PASSION

Carnelian – halite salt

VitaJuwel strives to raise people’s passion for vital water. The beautiful crystal image was taken by the HadoLife lab, which was co-founded by Masaru Emoto, impressively resembles that passion. We blended vibrant Cornelian, “Stone of Life” in Ancient Egypt, with Halite, the “Salt of Kings”. Cornelian plays a leading role in the famed crystal healing tradition of 12th-century abbess Hildegard of Bingen. Like no other stone it symbolizes the joy of living. Open yourself to his exquisite blend and absorb its radiating joy with every passionate sip of gemwater.



Emoto Crystals VISION

Noble shungite – clear quartz

“In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision.” – Dalai Lama. Jet black Shungite is truly a visionary stone Like a diamond, it is a form of elemental carbon. It is mined in the remote Russian region of Karelia, where Czar Peter already made use of Shungite’s purifying properties. Discover water completely anew with this gem from another world and its fascinating crystal image, taken by taken by the HadoLife lab, which was co-founded by Masaru Emoto. Share our vision to make gemwater an enlightening experience for everybody.




Amethyst – chalcedony – petrified wood rose quartz – ocean chalcedony

Traditional Chinese medicine has developed over 5,000 years and recognizes health as a harmonious balance of five elements: Wood for growth, water for reflection, earth for grounding, metal for strength and fire for passion. Every person is a unique blend of these elements. Following this ancient philosophy, we have included one kind of gem for each element in this blend to reflect each attribute. Get your life in balance. Experience this ancient wisdom.





Rose quartz

All you need is … water. And when you add rose quartz, the quintessential stone of love, anything is possible! Rose quartz is used by experts to release emotional wounds and traumas, to balance emotions and bring peace and calm. This balance is said to relieve stress and ease anxiety. For water lovers, this is the perfect blend. However, we won’t be held responsible if you find a love of self and love of life. In order for the heart to beat, it needs water.





Chalcedony – moss agate – milk opal

Alternative practitioners recommend this blend to strengthen your inner flow and to gain and maintain your momentum. Discover your inner peace and harmony again. In this fast-paced, complex world we often tend to forget that our mind sometimes needs to rest in order to be able to focus on what is really important. Settle down for a minute, forget everything around you and indulge yourself with a glass of gemwater to get the fresh wind in your sails.



Garnet – clear quartz

Are you looking for an exceptional present for your loved one, a wedding gift for very good friends or for a Valentine’s Day surprise? Or would you like to bring a little more fire in your everyday life? Blazing, scarlet red garnet is described as a symbol for sensuality and passion. This powerful, energizing stone is perfect for lovers! Open all of your senses to the vibration of that unique VitaJuwel gemstone blend with a glass of precious gemwater.






Diamond slivers – clear quartz

Diamonds are a gemwater lover’s best friend. The most precious gem on earth was believed to channel divine energy and was reserved only for kings and queens. Our customers say that no other gem water tastes as intense and Apollonian as this exclusive blend. Try it once and you’ll never again drink ordinary tap water. It makes a perfect gift for that special someone you treasure most in your life – it is as unique as a diamond ring. It is jewelry for your water!





Red jasper – magnesite – clear quartz

Along with exercise and a balanced diet, nothing supports an active lifestyle better than enough fresh water. Drinking water first thing in the morning is an easy way to speed up your metabolism. Lots of people confuse thirst for hunger so staying hydrated could help you avoid overeating. Make a start, put on your running shoes and fill a bottle with “Fitness” gemwater! Include this blend in your workout schedule and get ready for a surprise!




Emerald – clear quartz

St. Hildegard declared nearly 1000 years ago: “All the green of nature is concentrated within the Emerald.” This lush crystal has been a source of fascination in many cultures and was considered a symbol of eternal life in ancient Egypt. Louis Pasteur said: “We drink 90 percent of our illnesses.” Your body needs a sufficient amount of fresh water for well functioning cleansing processes and a stable health. It’s a natural way to help you lead a better life. Become vital!






Amethyst – aventurine quartz – rose quartz

Beauty emerges from within. Of course, we grow older but we don’t have to look old. Fresh, smooth looking skin is a sign of youth and health. Plenty of sleep, a balanced diet, and sufficient fresh water are essential to maintaining your skin’s elasticity. This blend is perfect for those who want their inner beauty to radiate out into the world. Numerous spa owners use this blend as an essential part of their treatments. They know SPA stands for “Health through Water”.





Orange calcite- clear quartz

Get your very special, personal ray of sunshine and shine from within! Can you remember the last time you enjoyed the beauty of a sunrise over the ocean or in the mountains? How it lifted your spirits in a very special way? How it moved you to the core? The energy of the beaming orange calcite is all about joy and stands for everything that makes you smile! Start every day – even cloudy and rainy ones – with a glass of this special blend and re-live those precious moments!




rhine gold – halite salt – garnet

In Golden Moments we pause for an instant, reflect the things that truly matter and leave every day’s worries behind. Those precious moments cannot be weighed in gold. The astonishing beauty of the crystal image taken by taken by the HadoLife lab, which was co-founded by Masaru Emoto, left us deeply moved. Its crystalline silhouette reflects its unique ingredients: hand-mined gold from the river Rhine in Germany, exotic Halite Salt (the “Salt of Kings”) and a piece of fiery, blazing Garnet. We’d like to excite you to enjoy more Golden Moments!







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